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Unleashed Inventory Management Integration pkg_hikashop4bfunleashedsoftware

Contact us to discuss your requirements.

We have experience of integrating a Hikashop webshop with Unleashed Inventory Management software.

More details about Unleashed and their product can be found by visiting:

At the core of our integration solution is the Joomla plugin plg_hikashop_bfunleashedsoftware which is used for all communication between Hikashop and Unleashed.

  • Integrating products between Hikashop and Unleashed.
  • Synchronises Hikashop product quantities with Unleashed available stock.
  • Integrates Unleashed BOM with Hikashop product quantities.
  • Creates Unleashed Sales Order when customer completes a Hikashop order.

In addition we provide a Joomla component com_hikatools4bfunleashedsoftware to assist in Hikashop / Unleashed integration and product / order management.

Please download our documentation below and get in touch with us to discuss your requirements.