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Product variant quantity price handling. plg_hikashop_bfvariantpricethresholds

£ 20.00 each

This plugin adjusts the price of product variants according to the total quantity being ordered for all variants of the same parent product.

For example:

  • VARIANT1: 3 ordered, price threshold quantity 10.
  • VARIANT2: 4 ordered, price threshold quantity 20.
  • VARIANT3: 5 ordered, price threshold quantity 30.

The 10+ price will be applied to VARIANT1 as the total quantity for all variants of the same parent product is 12.
However, the single quantity price will apply to the other variants as they have higher minimum quantity thresholds.

Using plugin access level you can restrict this feature to certain registered customers

Optionally you can enable / disable this feature for a product using one of the following methods.

  • In Hikashop Starter you can use regular expressions to match variant product codes
    For example to adjust variant prices for different product codes (enter one per line) ...
    Leaving field empty will match all product codes.
  • In Hikashop Business you can optionally use a custom product field of type Boolean called 'product_bfvariantpricethresholds'
    If this database column exists and set to 1 for a variant then the quantity price will adjusted.